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Greece's latest tourism industry news by Greek Travel Pages

Greece Stars at Record-breaking ITB Tourism Fair

Greece, for the first time, bathed in the limelight as the partner country at the 40th global tourism expo ITB held last month in Berlin. Greece hosted the opening event and reception for over 5,000 guests with a rich artistic program that included singers Alkistis Protopsalti...

Tourism and Development Conference Stresses Cooperation

The fourth annual tourism conference organized by the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises welcomed speakers from 10 countries this year. On opening the conference, the association's president, Stavros Andreadis, said that since the last conference there has been no change in...

Tourism Down 8% This Year

Most Greek destinations were disappointed this summer when arrivals failed to increase as expected during the summer months. The end result, according to trade professionals, is that Greece will post an 8% drop in tourism arrivals this year. And this occurs after a difficult 2003.

Not All Greek Destinations Are Suffering

Numbers of visitors to popular Greek destinations outside of the general Athens area - passengers on scheduled flights arriving at Athens International Airport were up 14% during the first half of the year when compared with the same period last year - may not be as high as last...

Prime Minister Labels Tourism National Importance

Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis showed his personal interest in the tourism sector last month when he opened this year's general assembly of the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises. During his speech, he labeled tourism as a sector of national importance for the country's...

Aegean Celebrates Fourth Anniversary

Greece's number one private carrier, Aegean Airlines, celebrated its fourth anniversary recently and its 9,000,000th passenger. The airline began scheduled flights at the end of May in 1999 with two aircraft and four Greek destinations. Today, its 17 passenger aircraft executes...

SETE Pessimistic For Sector Tourism This Year

Nikos Angelopoulos, vice president of the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises, told its annual Christmas press gathering that he and the association were not optimistic for tourism possibilities in 2002. He said association sources foresee a possible drop in arrivals from...

Philoxenia’s Last Stand

During opening ceremonies, Development Minister Nikos Christodoulakis declared that a total of 596.2 billion drachmas in financing from the EU's Third Structural Fund would be funnelled into the industry between now and 2006.