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Greece's latest tourism industry news by Greek Travel Pages

Cabotage Abolition Draft Law Tabled In Parliament

The draft law for the lifting of cabotage restri­ctions, drawn up by the Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping Ministry, was tabled in Parliament on 20 July and was pending since then due to the August sum­mer break.

Cabotage Draft Law Causes Friction

The bill promoted by the government for the lifting of cabotage restrictions is a historical reform for the Greek cruise industry, Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping Minister Louka Katseli said last month.

Greek-U.S. Business Cluster Launched

The mission of the American-Hellenic Enterprise Initiative (AHEI), Vision 2020, is to develop and implement Greece-U.S. actions that further bi-national trade, investment, green energy solutions and tourism in connection with culture and entrepreneurship through the combined...