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Greece's latest tourism industry news by Greek Travel Pages

Greece to Launch Tenders for 10 Ports in 2020

Greek Shipping Minister Yiannis Plakiotakis said the government would be launching tenders for the development of 10 state-owned ports within the year.

Greek Gov’t Moves Ahead with Regional Port Privatization Plans

The Greek government said that it would be taking measures so that the procedures for the privatization of 10 state-owned regional ports would begin in 2020.

New Development Model for 10 Greek Ports

Greece's government will be implementing a new model for the development of 10 state-owned ports, according to the Greek Shipping Minister.

Cruise Travel to Greece Recovering Slowly Amid Challenges

Cruise travel to Greece is picking up pace albeit slowly after a major drop last year due to the geopolitical situation in Turkey, Egypt and Israel.

Investments, Greek Port Upgrades a Must for Cruise Travel Growth

Extending the tourism season, improving the tourist experience, boosting private investments and port upgrades are basic for the development of cruise travel.